Have a Complaint?
Our Complaints Department is here to serve you! As part of service delivery, we at KCL Capital Brokers Limited strive to provide excellent service to you, our loyal customers. Should you have feedback on how we can better serve you, please contact our Complaints Department at 223–CMBL (2625) Ext 615 or via email at complaints@cmbltt.com. Our Complaints Officer; Mr. Stefan Guevara will be happy to assist you.
Your Complaint will be acknowledged within 24 hours of the first working day follow your submission.
Complaints FAQs
Q: How can I make a complaint?
A: Complaints can be made in following forms
- Writing – Addressed to 6th Floor, Savannah East, 11 Queen’s Park East, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Attention: Complaints Officer.
- Email – complaints@cmbltt.com
- Telephone – 1 868 223 – CMBL (2825) Ext. 615
Q: What should I know when writing/emailing my complaint?
A: Complaints that are sent through post, hand delivered or emailed should be fully detailed (use of dates, times etc) which can assist in rectifying your complaint in a timely manner.
Q: How would I know if my complaint was received?
A: As our client, you can contact the Complaints department anytime between the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm to speak to our Complaints Officer; Stefan Guevara or the Deputy Complaints Officer; Michele Darmanie, at 222-2825 Ext 615 to verify whether your complaint was received. All complaints received via post, email or through the complaint’s voice mail, will be received by the Complaints Officer. Upon receipt, the Complaints Officer will contact you letting you know your complaint has been received and will ask any further details on your complaint. The Complaints officer will give you a timeline within which the complaint will be resolved.
Q: How would I know the status of my complaint?
A: You can contact the Complaints Officer or Deputy Complaints Officer at 222-2825 Ext 615 to for feedback on the status of your complaint. During the course of addressing your complaint, the Complaints Officer will contact you providing updates of the rectification. Subsequent to the rectification of the complaint, the Complaints Officer will further contact you on your satisfaction of the resolution.
We at KCL Capital Market Brokers, appreciate all feedback in an attempt to increase our service to you, our customers!